Saturday, June 20, 2009

Thing 1

Okay, reflection on 7 1/2 habits - The habit most challenging for me in this endeavor is probably viewing the problems as challenges. This is difficult for me 'cause they really seem like problems! I am sorely lacking in technology skills and feel like I get farther and farther behind each day! The only way I know how to solve a problem I encounter is by asking someone. Luckily, my girls are home for the summer or I'd never be able to figure this out! The habit that would be the easiest for me? Accepting responsibility for my own learning. I realize that the reason I am behind in this learning is that I have to have this as a constant goal. And while I often state that, I never seem to have the time to actually learn (and play) with it so I can reach that goal. I know that is the only way I will learn it. I've taken the Excel class 3 times now and I still am not very good at Excel. But, it is because I don't use it and play with it until I become comfortable. I used FileMaker Pro in my old job and feel so comfortable with it that I use it all the time! I use it when Excel would probably be better, but I don't ever feel like I have the time to learn it by playing with it! The habit that is probably the most important for this class is probably to play, which is the one thing I just told you I didn't have time for! That is what is going to either make me or break me in this endeavor!


  1. Uh oh....looks like your easiest habit is my most challenging. Good thing you will be there to help me!!

  2. Welcome to 23 Things, Jeni. If it makes you feel better, my 9 year old sat right beside me when I took this course last year. The difference is that the "native" generation (our kids) is not concerned about "breaking" something. So go forth, play around, and don't worry about "breaking" anything-you are going to love the new tools that will make aspects of your job easier.
