Sunday, July 12, 2009


Okay, I agree with you that it is easy once you know what you're doing and it can be fun at times and that I have lost some of my fears. BUT, it still takes alot of time! At least it does for me! There have been many favorite discoveries during these lessons. I really like the wikis. I really liked the I also have found lots of neat resources from all of this. Really and truly, even though I've complained about the time, I wanted to take this class to bring me into the 21st century of technology. I am trying to be a role model for the teachers on my campus to improve their technology skills and I feel that this was one way I was able to do that. It is one of my goals to become more technologically savvy so I am proud that I've taken this step. I don't think there is anything you girls need to differently. You have done an amazing job putting this very intricate program together. Although I would have liked more step by step instructions I understand your purpose was for us to discover through trial and error in order to make us more savvy and less fearful and I think the design of this class achieved those results. I am hoping and really need to know that I will be able to return to the 2.0 site anytime I need a review or want to remember something I learned. I've bookmarked the site so I'm planning on returning to it as needed for reminders! As far as committing myself to continue my learning and apply what I've learned I have to be honest. I know how I function. I'll pick one thing that I learned and I'll apply it until I feel comfortable and have used it several times. Then I'll use another and another until I get comfortable enough with all I've learned. I've already got plans on how I will use a couple of these things in this coming school year. I did subscribe to Learning 2.1 and sent it to my GoogleReader. Another principal and I who are taking this class have discussed setting up a Principal's blog that would help us share information and kind of act as a support group. I guess if I have to do a formal resolution it would be that I will continue to check my GoogleReader weekly, use at least two or three new tools that will assist me in my work and try to encourage others to jump on the technology bandwagon. And I will try really hard to set up a blog either with principals or my staff.

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