Saturday, July 11, 2009

Thing 20

Either things are getting easier or I'm getting smarter. I'm not sure which! Google docs is cool in several ways. I immediately thought of two ways I could use this at school that would actually solve a couple problems I'm having. All year I have struggled with information sharing. I developed a form I really like that has all the data about a student's testing on one form in a manageable and meaningful order. I filled out the history data and handed them to the teachers so they could continue to record data throughout the year (benchmark and milestone scores). This was great but in order for me to have the information on a child the teacher would have to copy the form each time they added information and replace my old form with the new form. This was not very "green." Nor, was it efficient. I think what I will try this year is sending a spreadsheet with the historical informtion in it to the teacher who can then update it online and send it back to me. This will work MUCH better and we can all be in the know at the same time! I also think this might come in handy for our SOP procedures. We spend precious time at the beginning of the year reviewing SOP things for a few new teachers when the majority of the staff already knows this stuff. If I post the SOP on a googledoc and send it to them they can have it on their computers for easy access and when I need to make a change I can update it and resend it and we can save alot of paper that way, too! I was looking at that registration form you did and I can think of lots of ways to use that but I'll have to talk to you about how you were able to get them to submit it back to you with the use of a submit button. Lots of time I am polling them about something and that would be a good way to get that information.

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